
* The Mobile Muse


For the past 20+ years….
I have worked as an Art Therapist and Creative Facilitator with an amazingly diverse range of people and circumstances; from individuals to companies, from East-side teenagers to West-side entrepreneurs; from three-year-old's to ninety-two-year-old's. No matter who comes, or how far they have wandered or been derailed from their path, my goal is always the same: To help people “come back to life” with a renewed sense of creativity, meaning, passion and purpose.

What do I offer?
I offer compassionate challenge and positive change. My sessions involve a combination of many techniques including open dialogue, counseling skills, life-coaching techniques, role-playing, dream-work, creative-visualization, and hands-on metaphoric exercises involving writing and drawing. The same techniques apply when I work with organizations or companies going through transitions or those looking for new perspectives and breakthroughs. The goal is always about turning obstacles into innovative opportunities. As Dorye Roettger once said, "There are no problems, just opportunities to be more creative."

Why am I called the Mobile Muse?
Although I had an office and more traditional practice for many years, I am now mobile. I prefer to take my creative skills and services directly out into the world. I now go where ever people need me to go - to their homes, to their schools, work environments, conferences, and if need be directly to their streets. And, while I identified and worked specifically as an ‘Art Therapist’ for a long time, I no longer refer to myself as such. I prefer to call myself a 'Muse,' as it lends itself to a more modern, inspiring and creative kind of mentor-ship, hence 'The Mobile Muse'.

How did I learn to do this?
Like anything worth doing, it took passion, vision, risk, education, patience, and practice! I have eight years of post-secondary training - a degree from Emily Carr University; a graduate diploma and thesis completed through the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute; plus an abundance of academic credits accrued in Psychology and Social Science from Simon Fraser University and VCC. Although I truly value having an education, schooling is never enough. The soul needs more than certificates and degrees to understand its terrain. With this said, I have spent a life time developing my own emotional intelligence and insight through a wide range of therapeutic forms, as well as many years cultivating my own creative-talents as an artist, entrepreneur, designer, writer, and musician. We can only take others where we have been ourselves.

With this said, if you or someone you know is looking for new inspiration and support on a personal, business, or organizational level, please contact me. I am available for private sessions, group workshops, business collaborations and projects locally and internationally. Long distance clients are welcome. 

Private, individual sessions are $100- an hour. Other rates and session lengths are offered to groups, couples, or individuals requiring special services (just ask).

If you or someone you know is interested in sampling my sessions, I offer a free 1/2 hour introductory phone consultation. During this conversation we will explore your current challenges and come up with a few inspirational insights and new ways of approaching whatever seems problematic. There is absolutely no obligation to continue beyond this free consultation, nor are there any hidden fees involved; I simply love and believe in what I do.

Please contact me at TheMobileMuse@gmail.com

A Few Examples

Individual clients
Many of my individual clients call on me initially because of a 'presenting-problem,' meaning, a current obstacle or issue in their lives which seems to be hindering them in some way. It can be a relationship issue, a health problem, a negative habit, a family concern, a job loss or career change, a creative block, or just a strange feeling that something is definitely not right. Whatever their problem is, they want it to be gone as quickly and painlessly as possible. However, as we work together what they often find is their presenting problem is actually a gift - it's not a problem at all - it's a symbolic signpost to a new stage of life trying to emerge. The only 'problem' is fear and lack of trust and support - not the problem itself! 
As soon as conscious-creative support is available, the fear loosens itself and more positive expressions and manifestations emerge in their lives. 

Once I help my clients realize they are always being 'creative' both positively and negatively (that all of us are 'creating' problems and 'creating' solutions all the time) they begin to openly change and manifest much consciously-creative, happier and healthier lives. It's really that simple.

Some clients end relationships that have been holding them back, while others take up healthy new ones; some clients start playing musical instruments, begin painting classes, or renew their passion for dancing; others start new businesses and projects they never had the energy to pursue before. So, while I still emphasize the importance of creatively working-out past issues and feelings, it's exciting to also help clients manifest their dreams, talents and aspirations. 

Through conscious dialogue, symbolic visualization, written exercises, and other creative techniques, I help my clients go through and beyond the healing stage into the realm of their higher potential. It is not enough to simply help clients 'resolve' their issues and then send them back to their same old lives. People need to be encouraged to test their wings. People need support to really trust their deepest creativity, their uniqueness, and their aspirations. This is what I believe being a modern therapist is really all about-- helping people go beyond the mundane, helping them to be proud of their uniqueness, and encouraging them to express their fullest and most comfortable potential. 

Community Projects
One of the longest running projects (nine consecutive years) that I developed was an on-site Creative-Counselling Program in a school for inner-city teens. By fusing the art room together with my counselling space these kids were given the opportunity to express their hopes and fears in a highly creative way.

As they explored their private issues and emotions--they developed their artistic talents; as they honed their creative style--they worked out family and social issues; as they found comfort and safety in their own uniqueness--their tolerance and compassion for themselves and others blossomed. It was a beautiful example of how creativity and healing can happen simultaneously if given the right space and opportunity to do so. 

Corporate Communication Projects
I also enjoy working within organizations and businesses, from straight forward creative-re-branding to more internal 'company-healing' such as raising the company's emotional intelligence. It's very interesting to get inside the 'psyche' of a group and help find fresh ways to develop team-spirit, clarify in-house issues, and de-stress through creative projects. 

For example, through simple pen and paper exercises, I provided a much needed "inner-vacation" for employees at the head office of a bank; at an annual conference for a high profile union, I had participants drawing symbolic pictures of what it felt like to be on the verge of a strike; at a hip Yaletown restaurant, I brought management, floor, and kitchen staff together to share their varying perspectives of their workplace through upbeat, metaphoric drawing, writing and talking.

I have worked with the following organizations:
Buddha Board -  The Vancouver Art Gallery - Vancity Credit Union - The BC Hospital Employees Union - St. Paul’s Hospital (Eating Disorder Program) - The Alliance for Arts & Culture - The Sequoia Restaurant Group (Cardero’s/ Sequoia Grill/ Sandbar/ Season’s) - Sweat Co Studios - Phoenix Program (alternate school for at risk youth) - Cariboo Hill Secondary School - Christina Lake & Green Seed Foundation - Vancouver Children’s Centre - Subeez Restaurant - Deep Cove Parent Participation Preschool - YWCA - Granville Park Lodge (residence for elders) - The Vancouver Art Therapy Institute - Ministry of Children and Families - British Columbia Art Therapy Association - Canadian Art Therapy Association